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4 of 7 wayward Partner Course | 4 of 5 End the affair course | 9 of 20 Rebuild your marriage course
4 of 7 wayward Partner Course
4 of 5 End the affair course
9 of 20 Rebuild your marriage course
** All access pass gives you lifetime access to all
22 video classes and saves 60% off individual pricing
This masterclass is intended for anyone who’s had a past indiscretion and is now struggling with the guilt, shame or self-loathing brought on by their affair. And if that describes where you are today, then don’t despair. Because, there is a better way for you learn how to forgive yourself and it works. But it’s different than what you’ve been doing up until now. This masterclass is designed to teach you that better way.
What you are getting is one-part forgiveness coaching and one-part guilt-cancelling strategies, all designed to do one thing; to show you how to embrace forgiveness for your mistakes and how to ensure that the past no longer controls you. The result? You’ll undergo a quiet transformation where your mistakes become your guiding steps, and rather than being a symbol of failure, they now become a sign of growth.
Please Note: You can either take this Self-Forgiveness masterclass as a standalone class or as a part of one of my larger bundled collections Wayward Rehab for wayward partners or End the Affair for affair partners.
Although most people know they should forgive themselves, many feel they have no choice but to suffer. So they continue to feel guilty at the very thought of not feeling guilty. But if you don’t want guilt to continue eating away at your happiness, and if you’re tired of all of the self-loathing sabotaging your desire to feel better, then learning how to forgive yourself is an absolute must for you.
The challenge?
Most people have no idea how to go about doing that. And as a result, millions spend their days and nights suffering in silence over their indiscretion, obsessing over their past mistakes, being trapped in a world of guilt. They are stuck in a world of not wanting to feel bad but not knowing how to stop feeling bad. The good news? That doesn’t have to be your story.
Here’s what I believe. It’s not that people don’t long for that emotional freedom that they know will only come from forgiving themselves…they do. And it’s not that people don’t want to put an end to the mental anguish brought on by the guilt of deceiving the people they love…they do. And it’s not that people don’t long for a way to stop the self-torture and the self-abuse…they do.
I believe the real problem is that the rules of our society make it feel almost taboo to forgive yourself for your own mistakes. This internal belief system about right and wrong and guilt and punishment weakens us so much from the inside out that many of us feel powerless to do anything about it.
Am I saying we’ve been conditioned from childhood not to seek our own emotional freedom, but rather to passively accept the mental and emotional anguish that comes as a result of making bad decisions, mistakes or having a sexual indiscretion?
Yes! That’s exactly what I am saying!
So, here’s my fair warning: What I’m going to teach you about forgiving yourself in this masterclass is going to fly directly in the face of conventional wisdom. In fact, there’s a very high probability that before the class is over, a few of your own sacred cows are going to end up being roasted. And some of the things I’m going to suggest may (at first) almost feel like blasphemy. Why? Because, in our society, self-hate is big business and so learning how to forgive yourself is not a topic many want to touch on and so it’s not a skill that many have ever developed.
But taking this class changes all that because our goal here today is nothing less than your total and complete mental and emotional freedom. And to do that, you must be willing to question many of the things you’ve been taught about how to handle mistakes. You must be willing to take an unflinching look at what you really believe about guilt, love, and self-forgiveness. And if you’re willing to do all that, then this masterclass is going to be a game-changer for you.
This is a 10-minute guided meditation & review of your class and is considered by many of my students to be the most important part of their survival process. I invite you to listen to it as many as many times as you like (anytime you are sure you will not be distracted). Because, not only will you be guided into a multi-sensory state of relaxation, but this meditation also reviews and reinforces the most important insights you just learned in your class and takes your survival wisdom even deeper… so it sticks. (Note: You’re going to be completely stunned by the sense of relaxation and release you will experience every time you listen to The Quiet 10.) I suggest that you use headphones and listen often.
So, here’s my goal for you.
By the time you’ve completed this masterclass, not only will you have the keys to unlock the mental and emotional handcuffs that have kept you chained to the shame, pain and guilt of the past, but I’ll also show you the door that will lead you out of that dark basement of guilt and into the freedom of self-forgiveness, where you can quietly reclaim your self-respect.
And I fully expect to coach you up the stairway to wisdom and self-awareness. Once you get to the top, it will be easier for you to let go of your past mistakes and embrace the true freedom that can only come from self-forgiveness.
And if my goals and expectations align with your own, then I invite you to take this masterclass on self-forgiveness and discover for yourself what is possible for you when you have the right information and the right motivation to be able to forgive yourself and set yourself free.
I look forward to having you in class.
Suzie Johnson
Coach & masterclass facilitator
** All access pass gives you lifetime access to all 22 video classes and saves 60% off individual pricing
Since 2011, my Affair recovery Advice blog find my advice & answers to hundreds of questions from others going through the same situation as you.
Powerful and effective, my online affair Recovery courses, you can learn how to cope, heal and fastrack your recovery without ever leaving the privacy of your home.
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Since 2011, my Affair recovery Advice blog find my advice & answers to hundreds of questions from others going through the same situation as you.
Powerful and effective, my online affair Recovery courses, you can learn how to cope, heal and fastrack your recovery without ever leaving the privacy of your home.
Get my help, perspective and prescriptions for your situation via individual or couples coaching.
(100% confidential)
17304 Preston Road Suite 800 Dallas TX 75252