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How to Rebuild Self-Esteem After Betrayal

Build Self-Esteem After Betrayal

Ready to get your self-confidence back? One of the many causalities of infidelity is often the betrayed partner’s confidence & self-esteem. (That’s the bad news). The good news is it doesn’t have to be a permanent loss. There are things you can do to bring back your confidence and build self-esteem after betrayal by a spouse.In this article, I’ll share with you some ideas, tips, hints, suggestions, and strategies to help you improve your self-confidence and repair your self-esteem.And if I have my way, by the time you’ve read this article all the way through, most (if not all) of your fears will be greatly diminished, and you’ll know exactly what you need to shift this experience from draining your self-confidence to revitalizing it.As usual, you can use the menu to go directly to a topic, or you can read along at your own pace. (I prefer you to read along of course. 😊) IN THIS ARTICLE YOU WILL FIND My insecure chickens come home to roost 4 Key insights about self-esteem after betrayal 4 Secrets to repairing self-esteem after betrayal Things You Need to Know About Repairing Self-Confidence After Betrayal 5 Tips for dismantling self-doubt and increasing self-confidence Out..

How to Survive an Affair with a Married Man

Surviving the Heartbreak After the End of the Affair

5 questions sent in by affair partners who found themselves dealing with the harsh realities of pain & hurt after ending affairs…and needing to know how to better deal with the grief, heartache, guilt anger and disillusionment that so often accompanies the later stages of infidelity or an indiscretion. How do you survive an affair with a married man? Read my answers to others needing to heal the hurt after ending an affair.

Should You Forgive a Cheating Spouse?

Should you forgive a cheating spouse?

How do you know whether or not to forgive their infidelity? If there’s one question that people have asked me over and over, it is this: Should you forgive a spouse for cheating?Many will tell you straight away that you shouldn’t. However, as you know, if the answers were so clear cut, you wouldn’t be here right now. The reality is, knowing how to react..

Damage Control 101 for When You’ve Been Caught Cheating on Your Spouse

Hi Suzie, My wife just found out about my affair. She’s told me never to come back to the house and that she doesn’t want to ever see me again. I’m scared out of my mind. I don’t want to lose my family, but I’m not sure what my next move should be. What should I be doing now?

The Other Woman’s Guide To Life After The Affair

The Other Woman's Guide to Life After the Affair

Ever since the affair ended, I’ve been left with a tremendous fear of being alone. I’m scared that I’ll never be loved again. I’ve lost faith in myself. My heart is heavy all the time. Suzie, how can I once again have a life after the affair and be the happy, lighthearted, carefree person I used to be?

7 Important Questions for Affair Partners Answered

7 Frequently Asked Questions for Affair Partners

What follows is a collection of some of the most frequently asked (and most important) questions I’ve gotten from affair partners over the years. You’ve probably asked yourself at least a few of these questions, and I’m here to help you answer them. Hopefully, you’ll read some words of insight and encouragement to help ease your suffering and confusion, and better understand your own situation.