Wayward Partner Recovery Master course
Hi! I am Suzie Johnson, and I have spent the past two decades teaching, coaching, guiding (and sometimes even nudging) my clients through the tricky process of overcoming the negative consequences of an affair and winning back the love, trust and respect they lost. And now, with my Wayward Partner Recovery online master course, you can learn those same strategies – in the privacy of your home.

Course Overview
Don’t get me wrong. I fully understand that overcoming the negativity, hostility and distrust brought on by your own deception – is easier said than done. Because on the one hand, you know your actions and choices were inappropriate (no one needs to remind you of that).
And yet, on the other hand, once a secret life is exposed…
It’s hard to know what to share and what not to share. It’s hard to know what to say and what not to say. And it’s hard to know the difference between what’s going to make things better, and what’s going to make things worse.
The challenge?
While most people intuitively know they need to find away restore stability and find way to win back the trust they lost as soon as possible – not many have a plan in hand, or a course of action already in place that spells out for them exactly how to go about accomplishing all that.
Without a plan… or a process in place to guide them through the aftermath of this type of exposure, many find themselves floundering in the hot seat, struggling to cope with the onslaught of negativity. As a result, many wind up inadvertently doing and saying things that only makes a bad situation and make it worse – and not because they want to – but simply because they do not know how to handle themselves when they are in the underdog position.
And if any of the above rings a bell for you... don’t despair.
There is a way to inspire forgiveness for indiscretions. There is a way to overcome the hostility, pain and hurt your actions have caused. Most importantly, there is way to win back the love, trust and respect having an affair cost you.
But know this. The way I am going to suggest is different than the way you’ve been doing it. (And yet, it works).
If you let me, it would be my honor to teach you that way via my Wayward Partner Recovery master course.
When you take this course
When you take this course, you are going to learn the beautiful truth: Overcoming is not a matter of luck – instead, it is a matter of using the right strategies to redeem yourself. In this course, you’ll be learning a set of situation-specific strategies for overcoming negativity and redeeming yourself after an affair – ones that you won’t find anywhere else.

My goal? By the time you’ve completed this master course, you’ll know exactly what action steps you need to take to go from winging it to overcoming it. You’ll know how to communicate in ways that will actually make things better instead of making them worse. You’ll know how to flip the script, and go from being the “villain” back to being the hero in their eyes again.
Will it be easy?
Am I suggesting redeeming yourself after having an affair is going to be easy? No, I am not saying it’s going to be easy, but I am saying you’re going to be glad that you did it.

About this course
This course is made up of seven individual master classes that takes you from start to finish through my complete process for overcoming the negative consequences of your affair and winning back the love, trust and respect you lost.
And the best part?
All of the masterclasses in this collection are online and available to help you right now. This means that not only are you going to be able to benefit from my years of expertise and experience, but you’re going to be able to do it for a fraction of the price of private coaching…at any time of day or night, on any smartphone, tablet or computer.

Just because I am delivering this information via an online video course, don’t underestimate its power and effectiveness – because the tools and strategies I’ll be sharing with you come from working with real people just like you. And over the years, I have cultivated a literal “overcoming indiscretions tool kit” of what works. And now, (after years of testing and refining), I have included everything in this program that works…and left out anything that has failed to work.
This course is my all-star team of best practices.
Every class is jam-packed with my absolute favorite strategies, tips, secrets, nuances and techniques. It’s not because I like them. It’s because they have been “field tested” to work.
Am I basically saying…?
..rather than just learning from just me, what you are in fact going to be doing, is learning from the insights and experiences from hundreds of others who have successfully overcome their mistakes and gone on to win back the hearts and trust of those they have hurt?
Yes! That’s exactly what I’m saying. (And that’s what makes this course so incredibly powerful.)

Will it help you?
Another great question.
Each masterclass I teach in this course is designed to be truly helpful to anyone who has found themselves in the uncomfortable position of having to find a way to redeem themselves for having an affair they never should have had in the first place.
Taking this course will help you if..
- If you tired of walking around on eggshells in your own home
- If you’re tired of making things worse every time you explain
- If you have had problems deciding how much or how little to disclose
- If you want to find ways to regain their trust, but not sure how to go about it
- If you’ve been struggling with the fear of not being given a second chance to right the wrongs of the past
- If you are secretly repulsed by the idea of spending the rest of your life paying for this mistake
- If you would like to be able to be more verbally and emotionally supportive of your partner
- If you’ve ever thought to yourself: When is the guilt and self-loathing going to end?
- If you are among those souls who are shocked to find themselves capable of doing this type of thing in the first place
- If so far, all your attempts to gain forgiveness have fallen short
- If you think it would be better if you could just stay calm and keep your cool during random flare-ups
- If you still have any leftover feelings of desire, fantasy or attraction linked to the affair partner

The number one sign this course will help you:
If the fact that you are considering such a non-traditional approach like my master course is any indication of your willingness to do whatever it takes to protect your family, your reputation and your way of life…
there’s no doubt in my mind that taking my Wayward Partner Recovery master course will go a long way in help you turn that hope into reality for you and your family.

What’s included
This master course includes seven individual masterclasses designed to address the specific needs as well as particular issues and concerns that arise in the aftermath of of the discovery of an affair. And although each class can be taken as a standalone, they do work best when taken as a part of my complete process.
This course includes:
Learn how to communicate to inspire forgiveness – rather than contempt




lifetime access

What You Can Expect to Learn
(At A Glance)
- The exact key words and phrases you can use to rebuild the bridges your previous actions destroyed
- 7 rules for successfully making amends after your indiscretion (these will help you to stand in the storm and soothe any ruffled feathers)
- Powerful body language tips for communicating true remorse (much more effective than mearly "saying" I’m sorry)
- Secrets of effective apologies and amendments (you will be shocked at how different these are from anything you’ve been taught in the past… and yet they are much more effective than traditional methods)
- Two magic words that can instantly transform blame into understanding.
- How to quickly rebuild trust, safety and repair insecurities caused by your past behavior (a must if you want to rekindle intimacy or desire)
- The most important thing you must do to avoid coming across as manipulative
- How to properly self-diagnose your own hidden desires that put you at risk and make you vulnerable to seduction and emotional manipulations (many of which you probably aren't even aware).
- Proven persuasion techniques you can use to cut through the barriers, breakthrough walls, and melt defenses using the right words at the right time
- Answers to their 12 most common arguments and objections to forgiving that your partner will probably throw at some point at you, along with my exact responses to those objections
- The 6 biggest mistakes “busted” wayward partners usually make, why it matters and how you can easily avoid these traps
- How much to divuldge and why including my best strategies on when and where to have these types of discussions and the risks of telling too little or too much
- The 3 most damaging negative emotions to avoid at all costs and how and why they can totally block forgiveness from getting through (includes strategies on how to neutralize the negative effects if and when these emotions do happen to sneak in somehow)
- My two most powerful ways on how you can inspire your partner to move past their urge to constantly blame and punish you
- The 3 biggest obstacles preventing your spouse from forgiving you right now (and how you can help them to move past them sooner, rather than later)
- Your own checklist of the nessasary attitude and beliefs you must have before you even attempting to inspire forgiveness
- My 2 favorite "forgiveness therapy" films (many have reported a spontaneous change of heart after watching these movies)
- My key insights to adopting attitude so that your attempt
- My 7 Principles of Charismatic Communications, including the best phrases and word strategies you can use to win them back
- The 5 of the most common types of accusations that you're likely to face (and how to disarm them without sounding defensive)
- What to do if you are currently struggling with an attraction or desire for the forbidden
- My #1 guilt-canceling secret that has power to end suffering (You’ll want to learn how to do this just for the mood-brightening side effects.)
- How to overcome your own need to suffer and punish yourself (a must before forgiveness is achieved)
- My working definition for self-forgiveness (erases a lot of confusion about how to accomplish it)
- The secret question that allows you to give yourself permission to accept forgiveness for your mistakes and your past imperfections
- The two magic words that signal the end of guilt
- My cardinal rules for pressure proofing (follow them to your success, and ignore them at your own peril)
- My answer to five of the most perplexing questions about emotional affairs (demystifies a lot of the myths and confusions)
- My checklist to help you uncover for yourself what it was that made you vulnerable to this affair in the first place (key to removing susceptibility to seduction)
- How gracefully end the affair (if you are still struggling with it)
- 6 important mental toughness strategies that you’ll need to learn to become more, not less, as a result of having made mistakes in the first place.
- My #1 technique for dealing with fearful emotions (yours and theirs)
- My crash course on the four stages of emotional mastery (knowing these makes you become a phoenix: reborn stronger from the ashes of your own mistakes)
- My top 5 techniques for disarming their future attacks
- Why so many of the things you’ve probably been doing (that you assumed were helpful) have been aggravating the situation, rather than relieving it
- The world’s best mental toughness techniques (many of which come right out of a Navy SEALS playbook)
- Why you don’t want to confuse trust with safety (knowing the difference could make the difference, in the long run)
- The exact steps you need to take if or when you find yourself becoming intrigued by someone
- How to turn down your inner emotional thermostat- so your feelings can go back to neutral (After learning this technique - many people report coming out the emotional fog, like a sleepwalker waking up from a dream).
- The exact steps for reversing your way out an emotional entanglement (hint: This your chance to finally take your power back.)
- The hidden anatomy of emotional affairs (including what intensifies them, and what makes them fade away)
- How to sabotage a small but vicious problem: the allure of the forbidden

Since learning tips and techniques for how to support the one hurt is one of the biggest things my past students said they were grateful for, I’ve included extra strategies on this topic. In fact, in just about every masterclass, you’ll be learning my best techniques for ensuring you not just healing yourself but supporting the one you’ve hurt as well.
By the time you’re halfway through your masterclasses...
A lot of your anxieties about how to effectively overcome the negative consequences of your indiscretions will be greatly reduced or totally eliminated. And by the time you’ve completed all seven of these masterclasses, you’ll notice a renewed sense of power, as many of the anxious, impatient or fear-based thinking that used to dominate your mind begins to loosen its grip on you, allowing you to recognize the beautiful truth: Overcoming is not luck – it is a matter of using the right strategies to redeem yourself.

Well, that about covers it
I have a feeling that since you have read all the way up to this point, you probably already have all the information you need to decide if enrolling in my wayward partner recovery is right for you. All I can do is present you the opportunity. It’s now up to you to decide if you want to take advantage of this opportunity or not. But just in case you are still experiencing hesitations…
Let me reassure you
#1. You are in the hands of an expert.
Because while it might be true that dealing with the painful effects of this situation is new to you, it’s not new to me. That’s because I’ve spent nearly two decades of my life teaching, coaching, guiding (and sometimes even nudging) people through the process of redeeming themselves after infidelity – sooner than they would have done on their own. And it’s because of this why I’m able to bring a high level of expertise to this topic. It’s why I can provide so many nuances, tips, tools, techniques, strategies, and insights… not found anywhere else.
#2. You are not alone.
When you take my masterclasses, you’re joining a community of more than 11,500 past students who have successfully completed my online masterclasses and then used what they learned to quietly break out of the stages of suffering. You don’t have to just take my word for it. You can read their reviews here.
#3. Your investment is protected.
I stand by all the strategies I teach, and I back my online masterclasses with my 100% “find your masterclass helpful or your money back” guarantee, because I have seen them work for countless others. And so, I have faith they can, and will, be helpful to you. But just in case that’s not the case for you… you have my word. If you don’t find my masterclasses helpful to you, then your money is promptly returned (no hassle, no guilt, no questions asked).

My Hopes & Expectations for You
So, here’s my overall hopes and expectations for you:
When you take my masterclass collection: I hope to teach you my proven skills and strategies for overcoming infidelity, in a way that allows you to support the one you have hurt, while paving the way for second chances.
And I also hope you will be able to successfully embrace self-forgiveness and self-correction so that you not only regain the respect of others, but you also recapture your own self respect.
And what’s more…
I fully expect to coach you so thoroughly through this situation that you can’t help but come out on the other side of it a stronger, wiser and a more authentic version of yourself than you were before you encountered it.
Am I saying…
There’s a way to overcome indiscretions so that this goes from being a symbol of disappointment to being a story about redemption? Yes, that’s exactly what I am saying.
My end game? To help you change the story. And if my hopes, goals, and expectations align with your own, then I invite you to take my Wayward Partner Recovery master course and find out for yourself what a difference it can make when you have a proven plan for dealing with the negative consequences of your affair.
I look forward to having you in class,

Suzie Johnson
Coach & masterclass facilitator
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Suzie understands how sensitive this topic is. Your trust and your privacy is our highest priority. (It really is.)
1. Any and all charges on your credit card will simply reflect the initials MWI.
2. There is absolutely no reference to this website or Suzie.
3. You can also use your PayPal account to make your payment.
If you’re still concerned… I have heard of some students who purchased a debit card. These are just a few of the ways, we are protecting your privacy and identity.
Is There A Money Back Guarantee?
Yes! We know you will love your classes and find them to be very helpful during your time of need. However, If after completing the first class, you are unsatisfied for any reason, then please let us know and we’ll do everything we can to make things right, up to and including giving you a full refund.
What If I Have Trouble Accessing Or Taking The Course?
It’s so important to us for you to have a seamless learning and healing experience. It might just be a technical glitch. If you log out and then log back in, that might resolve your issue.
But if that doesn’t work… Then please reach out to us immediately. We will check your account from our side and see what’s going on. But rest assured, we will get you back up and running ASAP.
You can contact us via Live Chat by clicking on the little orange circle in the lower right hand corner of any page on the site. If we are offline, we will get your message and respond the next business day (or sooner).
And we answer the phone. So if you want to call us, that’s fine too. Our support number is 214-224-0460.